How should the Foreign Manufacturer respond to the new Latin American regulations?

Latin American countries are on the move to enact modern chemical management regulations inspired by EU REACH, US TSCA and Canada CMP. Because membership in the OECD hinges on adoption of a national chemical inventory system, Chile, Colombia, and Peru have all enacted regulations since 2021. And Brazil's well-developed chemical management bill has cleared one chamber of Congress and is pending with the Senate.

Although each country's system is based on international models, each one is different and detailed enough to require a closer look to understand what a foreign chemical manufacturer needs to know in order to guarantee market access for their products.

Let's learn about Latin American regulation and policy.

In this course, you will learn all you need to know about the roles and responsibilities of the foreign chemical manufacturer under the REACH-inspired regulations adopted in Chile, Colombia, and Peru - and proposed in Brazil.

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Here is what one participant had to say:

“Your presentation contained all the information we need to know to get our substances registered in LatAm." J.F.

FAQs for the Course

Who is it for?

Anyone with responsibility for chemicals exported to Latin America.

What does it cover? 

Learn all about the basics of new REACH-inspired chemical regulations adopted in Chile, Colombia, and Peru – and pending in Brazil - and dive into the rights and responsibilities that a foreign manufacturer has under each of the regulations.

How is the course offered?

The course is offered on the Teachable platform with both on-demand video content and downloadable accompanying slides - all in English. 

When is the course offered?

Access the course any time you want – and complete it entirely at your own pace with the modular format videos and written reports.

How long does it take to finish the course?

You move as quickly – or as slowly – as you like with the materials. The video portion is completed in under 30 minutes.

Is there a certificate for taking the course?

Yes, participants receive a Certificate of Completion upon finishing the materials.

How much does it all cost?

The course is available for $55.00 USD (plus tax). Payable online via Google Pay, Apple Play, and most major credit cards through a Stripe-enabled link on the Teachable platform. 

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